Responsible trail stewardship
Grand County, UT updated trail information and added alerts on AllTrails to help reduce negative user interactions with their trails.
- 118 alerts and 552 edits added, enhancing the quality of the trail information on AllTrails to better educate visitors before and during their outdoor adventures
- Improved the safety of trail-goers and encouraged responsible recreation through the Trail Ambassadors program and information shared on AllTrails
“AllTrails is giving us the power to reach visitors who are planning trips and assist with our efforts to ensure that visitors are informed, responsible, and safe on our community's trails.”
The Utah Grand County Active Transportation & Trails team oversees the construction and maintenance of many mountain biking, hiking, and climbing access trails in Moab, Utah. The team manages a responsible recreation education program that prioritizes visitor education to minimize environmental impact and improve user experience.
- 2,000+ annual volunteer hours in assisting trail building, maintenance, and education
- Since 2021, the Moab Trail Ambassador Program has had over 128,000 encounters with visitors and over 41,000 Preventative Search and Rescue conversations
- Moab Trail Ambassador is the first Leave No Trace (LNT) Gold Standard Designated Program in the country
With the rising number of visitors navigating Grand County's trails, it was difficult to ensure every visitor received updated trail information and alerts to keep them safe while recreating.
Grand County knew that their visitors were using AllTrails, a trusted resource for getting out on the trail, to get their information before visiting their trails and using the app to navigate, so they:
- Updated routes and descriptions on AllTrails to create consistent information being shared across land management agencies, rescue services, local businesses, and visitor information content
- Set informational alerts on their trail pages to educate visitors on desert fragility, LNT practices, camping regulations, and waste disposal
- Released information on considerate use and regulations, as well as safety information
- Posted real-time advisory alerts on fire regulations
Organizations like Grand County are the gold star for local government collaboration with critical state and federal agencies to help manage public lands. AllTrails positively contributes to its more extensive program and changes the behavior of visitors over time.
- Grand County trail pages are seeing an average of 850,000 views each year
- Grand County submitted 118 alerts and 552 edits, improving the quality of their trail information
- Improved the safety of trail-goers and encouraged responsible recreation through the Trail Ambassadors program and information shared on AllTrails
Related case studies

66% fewer search and rescue incidents
Olympic National Park used real-time alerts to swiftly and drastically improve park safety.

Reach users before they hit the trails
Friends of the Bridger-Teton helped efficiently educate visitors to the National Forest.

Using visitor insights to fund trail maintenance
Maryland Forest Service used the AllTrails data dashboard to advocate for a 3-year grant-funded trail maintenance program.
Let's work together
We're always looking for new ways to support the public lands we love.