Case studies
See how the Public Lands Program collaborates with government agencies, non-profits, and tourism agencies to improve visitor experience and behavior while recreating.

66% fewer search and rescue incidents
Olympic National Park used real-time alerts to swiftly and drastically improve park safety.

Establishing the need for trail investment using visitor traffic patterns
North Carolina's Great Trail State Coalition used AllTrails data to analyze the impact of their state-wide marketing campaigns and severe weather on their trail systems.

48% increase in per-donor average donations
America’s National Parks™ partnered with AllTrails on a “Month of Giving” campaign to encourage deeper support for education efforts at National Parks.

Increasing volunteer participation by 25%
The Carolina Mountain Club partnered with AllTrails to promote a trail maintenance event.

Funding accessibility with verified trail traffic data
Saginaw Basin Land Conservancy reviewed AllTrails visitor usage data to secure funding to build an accessible boardwalk trail.

Using visitor insights to fund trail maintenance
Maryland Forest Service used the AllTrails data dashboard to advocate for a 3-year grant-funded trail maintenance program.

244% boost to fundraising revenue and reach
Western National Park Association took their Fall Park Protector campaign to the next level.

Responsible trail stewardship
Grand County, UT uses alerts to keep visitors on the right paths and away from protected areas.

Reach users before they hit the trails
Friends of the Bridger-Teton helped efficiently educate visitors to the National Forest.

Co-creating a recreational trail strategy
Wellington Park Management Trust integrates AllTrails data into their process for creating a new trail management plan.

Improved visitor behavior
National park rangers collaborated with AllTrails to reduce unsanctioned permit trading and improve visitor behavior.